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» 07/10/2019 A tous ceux qui liront ce message
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyLun 7 Oct - 19:14 par Kenneth Xander

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It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyVen 26 Fév - 20:51 par Invité

It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyJeu 18 Fév - 15:51 par Miss Petunia Garner

» Flash | ft. Lily-Rose Rivest
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyLun 15 Fév - 21:05 par Lily-rose F. Rivest

» Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting (Ninette ♥︎)
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyLun 15 Fév - 20:27 par Isobel W. McCoy

» Mon Voisin Du Dessus (MVDD)
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyDim 14 Fév - 17:55 par Invité

» À quoi te fait penser ce mot
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyDim 14 Fév - 17:55 par Invité

» Le changement, c'est maintenant !
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyDim 14 Fév - 12:18 par Shivani K. Shukia

» Une rose à dix
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyDim 14 Fév - 12:11 par Isobel W. McCoy

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 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM

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Nathan P. McCoy
Nathan P. McCoy
Disponibilité pour RP : Limitée
Featuring : Justin Bieber
DC : Mike Kim
Messages : 54
Who I am? : Ton père
People around me : Mon bureau
Relations : Marié à Nina Palmer || Père de Justin McCoy || Demi-frère de Jewel McCoy || Enfant de Chris et Isobel McCoy || Meilleur ami de Sasha Cobb
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2015
Age : 29
MessageSujet: It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM   It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyLun 30 Nov - 0:32

Nathan Palmer McCoy
ID Card

Age : 20 ans
Date de naissance : 3 janvier 1995
Lieu de naissance : Miami
Statut civil : Marié et père de famille  hi
Statut social : Riche
Métier/Etudes : Animateur à la vie étudiante
Groupe : Citoyen
P.I ou Scénario : P.I
Avatar : Justin Bieber
Secret envoyé ? à remplir par un admin
Justin Bieber [color=#ff0000]~[/color] Nathan P. McCoy
Once upon a McCoy

Je n'ai jamais été un homme d'école. Pourtant, je viens tout juste de signer un contrat pour travailler dans un lycée de Boston. J'avais longtemps été un gars perdu, ayant peur de l'avenir parce qu'il n'arrivait pas à voir le bout de son nez. À Miami, il arrivait que j'étais autant détesté par les profs que par les élèves. Les enseignants, parce soit je ne me rendais jamais à leur cours soit mon comportement les saoulait et donc, ils me renvoyaient au bout de 10 minutes. Les lycéens, parce qu'étant un membre de la confrérie des Pi Sigma, il était de mon devoir de persécuter les plus faibles. Je savais ce que c'était d'être le fantôme de l'école, alors je me contentais de m'en prendre aux ratés dans le but de ne pas finir comme eux. Oui, car durant mon enfance, j'étais loin d'être l'enfant perturbateur que les gens ont connu. Enfin, si, mais à ma façon. Je passais mon temps à m’évader dans la nature et de ce fait, à inquiéter toute la maisonnée parce que j’avais supposément disparu. Étant donné que je n’avais pas beaucoup d’amis, je partais seul la plupart du temps, ou avec Sasha durant les jours où il me rendait visite. Il y avait aussi Leahna, la femme de ma vie à l’époque, et maintenant deuxième depuis que Nina est apparue dans le portrait. Leahna et moi n’avons jamais eu de sentiment pour l’autre, mais nous sommes proches depuis des années et notre amitié bat toujours de l’aile encore aujourd’hui. La raison de mes disparitions étaient que je m’ennuyais à la maison, surtout que mes nounous travaillaient constamment et mes parents voyageaient souvent pour le travail. Enfin, c’est ce que je croyais de mon père avant qu’il ne m’avoue entretenir une deuxième famille, autre que la nôtre. Vivant ma crise d’adolescence, mes relations avec mon père étaient déjà tendus et la nouvelle n’avait fait qu’empirer les choses. Il avait tenté en vain de me faire sympathiser avec Jewel, ma demi-soeur, sauf qu’à l’époque, la faire chier était ma raison de vivre. Je lui en voulais, autant elle que mon père, d’avoir gâché le mariage de mes parents. Pour une raison que j'ignore encore aujourd'hui, je m'en étais aussi pris à ma mère. On me traitait d'ingrat pour la maltraiter ainsi, car tout le monde savait qu'Isobel déplacerait des montagnes pour que je sois heureux. Peut-être était-ce justement mon acharnement sur elle, parce que je savais que j'étais un enfant ingrat et qu'elle ne me méritait pas. À présent, je tente de me rapprocher de mes parents petit à petit, tout en les faisant se rapprocher l'un de l'autre. Parce que oui, même s'ils ont divorcé il y a un an et que ma mère semble avoir refait sa vie, j'ose espérer qu'ils reviendront ensemble. Quant à Jewel, je cherche à me racheter pour tous les torts que je lui ai causé, même si je doute qu'un lien frère/soeur se concrétise entre nous deux.

J’ai entendu dire que devenir père de famille m’a rendu plus mature. Malgré mes efforts pour être gentil, attentionné et protecteur devant Justin, Nina, et mes proches en général, je reste toujours ce gars chiant, égocentrique et de mauvaise lorsqu’il n’a pas assez dormi. J’avais laissé mon côté baveux, manipulateur et méchant quand j’ai gradué du lycée. Comme mentionné plus haut, je devais me faire respecter dans le but d’atteindre le haut des palmarès en popularité au lycée. À Wynwood, j’étais chef des Pi Sigma, capitaine de l’équipe de football et le Roméo de Nina Palmer, alors je vivais dans le meilleur des mondes. Même si je prétendais détester l’école, j’adorais la vie étudiante ; tout ce qui était en dehors des salles de classe. J’étais un Dieu là-bas, alors je n’avais aucunement envie de quitter les couloirs du lycée. Au fond de moi, je savais que c’était parce que je n’avais aucun avenir, surtout que je ne voulais pas entrer à l’université. Visiblement j’ai changé d’avis, et c’est bien sûr grâce à mon fils. Même si j’avais stressé à mort en attendant sa venue au monde, j’ai fondu dès les premières secondes où je l’ai pris dans mes bras. Je n’avais pas envie d’être un père merdique à ses yeux, alors c’est la raison pour laquelle j’ai décidé de me reprendre en main. Je suis entré à l’université et Eden en a profité pour m’offrir un stage dans mon ancien lycée, étant donné qu’il était le directeur.

Je ne suis pas fait pour être PDG d’une entreprise ou avocat de renommé mondiale. C’est pour cela que j’ai eu beaucoup de pression au sujet de mon avenir, car mon père est justement architecte de renommé mondiale et ma mère avocate, donc j’avais peur qu’ils soient déçus de leur fils. D’un autre côté, je recevais aussi de la pression de la part de Nina et ce, indirectement.  De un, sa perfection me faisait tout le temps douter de la raison pour laquelle elle avait décidé d’épouser un connard comme moi. J’avais toujours été celui qui soit masque ses sentiments soit qui les exprime de la mauvaise manière. Donc il se pouvait que Nina soit blessée par mon fidèle sarcasme. Mais elle sait que je l’aime, alors je n’ai pas besoin de le lui prouver à tout bout de champ. De deux, elle avait été accepté à Harvard, tandis qu'à l'époque, j'avais envie de vomir juste à l'idée de mettre les pieds dans une université. Par conséquent, j'avais peur de ne pas être à sa hauteur. Maintenant que j'avais un boulot concret, je présume que mon entourage était autant fier de moi que je l'étais.

Dans moins d’un mois, je serai un adulte. Ça me fait bizarre d’y penser, car dans ma tête, je resterai toujours un adolescent. Ce n’est pas pour rien que je veux retourner au lycée, même si c’est pour y travailler. Au moins, je serai encore en contact avec les jeunes dans le but d’en rester un, moi aussi. Je m’attends à être populaire, à être le ‘monsieur cool’ qui séjourne à côté du bureau de la sorcière. Parlant d’elle, j’espère qu’elle est assez sainte d’esprit pour ne pas me renvoyer après une semaine en fonction dans son établissement. Sans moi, ses élèves se languiraient dans les couloirs. J'étais justement là pour changer l'ambiance. Je sais mieux que personne comment mettre du piment dans la vie étudiante d'un adolescent.  
A propos de toi

Pseudo : Neilou
Age : Bientôt 100 ans
Comment as-tu connu le forum ?  poledance
Veux-tu un parrain/marraine ?  lol!
Une remarque à faire ?  elephant
Code de validation : Ok by Ninou

Dernière édition par Nathan P. McCoy le Jeu 10 Déc - 22:11, édité 2 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM   It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyLun 30 Nov - 1:14

love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It 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1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269 love It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2819403415 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1131367136 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 3879740277 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269

JE T'AIME It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2776936418 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995
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Gwen E. Foster
Gwen E. Foster
Nous Tomberons, Nous Rêverons Encore, A la Vie Comme à La Mort
Disponibilité pour RP : Yup
Featuring : Sandra Kubicka
DC : James P. Cobb E.
Jae Ji Choi
Eoin Johnstone
Nikolaï A. Kozlovski
(Eric Altman, Samuel Steevenson, Maira Hae, Vincent Eckon)

Messages : 129
Who I am? : Et un deux trois Alice au Pays des Cauchemars... ♪♫

People around me : A nos joies passées, à nos flèches à nos étoiles, à la vie comme à la mort
What I've done : Bad bad things
Where I'm going : To keep My Promises
Relations : Je ne le sais pas encore mais je crois que j'aime mon chef... Zoooo ♥️

Mikaela Kozlovski -> Amie
Iris Stewart -> on se déteste non ?
Kyaw Ne Min -> Le Petit Prince
Seung Joo Park -> Protégé

Date d'inscription : 14/07/2015
Age : 26
Localisation : Boston Yeaah
MessageSujet: Re: It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM   It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyLun 30 Nov - 10:28

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Isobel W. McCoy
Isobel W. McCoy
Perso Crossover
Disponibilité pour RP : Oui
Featuring : Jennifer Love Hewitt
DC : Cameron C. Davis, Jewel McCoy, Lwyn Sein Zaw
Messages : 44
Who I am? : //
People around me : //
What I've done : //
Where I'm going : //
Social Network : //
CellPhone : //
Relations : Maman de Nathan P. McCoy
Soeur d'Elena Muños
Ex-femme de Chris McCoy
Belle-mère de Nina P. McCoy

Date d'inscription : 02/09/2015
MessageSujet: Re: It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM   It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyJeu 3 Déc - 0:53

O.M.G Neilou j'avais pas vu ><

Je t'aime, courage pour ta fiche petit ange It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 2320310995 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 1084766882 It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM 281234269
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MessageSujet: Re: It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM   It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM EmptyJeu 10 Déc - 22:41

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   Félicitations ! JE RESSORS MEME NINA POUR TE VALIDER ! Bref je t'aime et j'aime ton monsieur, toi même tu sais *O*. Je suis contente que t'aies trouvé une évolution qui convienne à Nathan et j'espère que tu prendras plaisir avec lui ♥︎ Félicitation, et bon jeu avec lui <3

   Maintenant que tu es accepté dans l'antre des cauchemars, tu peux aller mettre aux enchères ta tête, et même lister tes séances de tortures. Tu peux aussi demander ton cercueil et tout un tas de trucs pour survivre dans le couloir des requêtes. Si tu es un jeune étudiant peureux, tu peux aller lire les mémoires de leurs ancêtres. En tous les cas, si tu as la moindre question, n'hésites pas à solliciter le Staff en passant par les liens disponibles sur la page d'accueil.
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MessageSujet: Re: It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM   It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM Empty

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It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you || NPM
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